Traveling After The COVID-19 Pandemic – Even if you wanted to travel, right now it’s almost impossible. Most countries have closed their borders to non-nationals and nonessential travel.
Airlines are curtailing flights and stopping business altogether, and many people are desperately trying to find their way back to their home countries from abroad.
Several governments have ordered lockdowns and about 20% of the world’s population needs a valid reason to leave their homes.
In the U.S., at least 100 million Americans are in lockdown. India’s population of 1.3 billion is under one of the strictest lockdowns in the world.
Travel, even across town, is limited with most governments encouraging residents to stay home. Many public parks, beaches, and restaurants are closed.
Traveling after the outbreak
Going on a family getaway is a pretty great thing to do. Obviously you’re going to want to make sure that you have prepared for the event by carefully taking a look at all the different travel guides.
However, the one thing that a lot of these guides don’t actually do is give you some sensible advice about traveling with the family. This is, to be honest, a wasted opportunity as a lot of families have to learn to travel with kids and such all the time. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the top travel tips for family getaways, to help you figure out what to do.
Identity your travel essentials
So, it is a little-known secret that every family will have what they would call travel essentials. These are items, which people use every day when doing various things as a family, like for example feeding the children, or providing entertainment, and they have a place in a travel environment too.
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Identifying your travel essentials is really important for having an easy family get away. So, whether it is baby wipes, or a tablet for the kids, it’s important to understand that every getaway has a travel essential kit.
Learning yours will take time, and it will be something unique to you, so you need to be prepared to invest in research. While there are some general travel essentials, the specifics will be down to you as a family unit.
Be prepared for a long haul
If you are going to be exploring life on the road, you should be prepared for a long trip. A lot of family getaways involve multiple hours of driving, or travelling on a plane or a bus or a train. So, you need to be prepared for a long trip, and plan around that.
For a lot of families, this will involve making sure that they have adequate supplies to keep everyone happy. Snacks for the kids, painkillers for the parents if they develop a headache, the facilities to change the baby, it’s all relevant.
The exact specifics of what you bring with you are unique to you, as usual, but there is an element of cultivating the stamina to survive the long haul. It’s definitely not easy, but it is worth it in the long run.
Practice traveling
One of the biggest problems that a lot of family getaways run into you is that when it comes to travelling, the kids and the adults aren’t ready for a trip of that nature. They haven’t had time to prepare for it, they haven’t had time to experience it before, so the entire situation is unfamiliar and stressful.
It can be a good idea to practice travelling, specifically to have smaller test runs to get people used to the idea of being on a vehicle for a long period of time, regardless of how you choose to transport yourself.
Sort accommodation and details before arrival
So, you have been traveling for a while now. You’re tired, you’re worn out, the adults are feeling the pressure, the kids are bored, but you have finally arrived at your destination. The last thing that you’re going to want to deal with is half an hour of standing at the front desk trying to sort out your accommodation.
It makes more sense to have everything planned and ready before you go, so all you need to do is present your booking and go up to your room and relax.
Thankfully, a lot of travel companies, hotels and villas will let you finalize and sort all of the booking details before you set out on your journey for your family getaway. Most will make it so you simply just have to show them the paperwork, pick up the key and you’re free to go.
It’s this level of convenience which you should aim for, because it will take a weight off your mind.