President Trump outlined necessary changes to the U.S. elections system that need to happen in order to prevent voter fraud from occurring in the future.
“We have a very sick and corrupt electoral process that must be fixed immediately,” President Trump stated.
“This election was rigged and the Supreme Court and other courts didn’t want to do anything about it.”
The 45th President said U.S. elections must happen only on the Election Day and have a clear and verifiable chain of custody for every ballot.
He added the U.S. needs a voter ID, while absentee voting must require a good reason and mail-in voting must be illegal.
“It is undeniable that election rules were illegally changed at the last minute in almost every swing state, with the procedures rewritten by local politicians, you’re not allowed to do that, and local judges.
They want more time, they want this they want that.” President Trump stated. “All done by local politicians or local judges as opposed to state legislatures as required by the Constitution of the United States.
“These are numbers that are massive. These aren’t little numbers, these are numbers that in each state is a transformative number. It changes the outcome of the election,” the President added.
President Trump also reiterated last year’s elections were a landslide victory for the Republican Party, adding he may have to beat Democrats yet again in 2024.
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