About Dr. Christina Parks
Hello, my name is Christina Parks. I received my Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Biology from University of Michigan in 1999.
During my years in graduate school, I realized that I had a passion for education and working with young people. At that time, I decided that I would rather pursue a career in education rather than continue on in research.
After a short stint editing High School Biology textbooks in Texas, I got married and was
coaxed back to Michigan. In 2003, I went back to school and received my Teaching Certification from Grand Valley University (2004).
I taught a variety of Biology and Chemistry courses at Hesperia High School for 5 years
while enjoying gardening, horse-back riding and skydiving with my husband.
In 2009, we adopted a brother-sister pair from Ethiopia and I came home to care for and homeschool them. My son Sam is now 19 will soon be starting his second year of college.
Wow! Where did the time go? Over the last 12 years, our family has been challenged by my daughter Tess’ special needs and blessed by her sweet, ebullient personality. She is now 12 years old and is attending public school.
She currently communicates using sign language. As a teacher, I am extremely passionate about opening the eyes of my students to the intricacy and majesty of God’s creation.
Hopefully, with a little encouragement, your student will be as excited about learning science as I am about teaching it.