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Monday, January 20, 2025

    Entrepreneur Jared Carrizales Harnesses The Creative Power Of His ADHD

    You’ve probably heard of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. What’s less known is that around 4% to 5% percent of adults in the U.S. have ADHD.

    People with ADHD have minds that may wander from one great thing to the next, leading to impulsive decisions to turn those ideas into reality.

    Traits typical of ADHD are shared by some of the most creative and successful entrepreneurs in the world, including airline mogul Sir Richard Branson, who is open about having ADHD.

    It is speculated that artist and inventor Leonardo DaVinci may also have had ADHD.

    The need to take risks by launching an innovative new business may be hardwired. A British study about ADHD discovered evidence of a specific gene associated with entrepreneurship and people with ADHD.

    If you have ADHD, the key is to harness all that spectacular energy and get the right credit products and support so you can successfully carve your own business path.

    Jared Carrizales, who has ADHD, launched his company for a fascinating reason: spite. It stemmed from being terminated from a high-level position at a digital agency.

    “After sparring for months over how to treat clients and digital ethics, they decided to let me go,” Carrizales said. “It was my first truly professional job, so I was relatively surprised.

    Not only that it happened, but that a company with that kind of personality was out there preying on companies with no repercussions. Digital marketing was the Wild West back then.”

    Carrizales was fired on a Friday and started Heroic Search the following Monday. Headquartered in Dallas, Heroic Search specializes in content marketing to serve the great span of businesses around the world.

    Being an entrepreneur with ADHD is a double-edged sword, Carrizales said.

    “On one hand, I can latch onto something I enjoy like a dog with a bone and really dig into it,” he explained.

    “This can translate to 12-hour days that are relatively easy, knowing the ins and outs of a new technology or tool I just started learning, etc.”

    “The downside is that if I don’t enjoy it, I’m very easily distracted.

    I don’t think this is a novel situation with someone with ADHD, but because I’m also in such a fast-paced industry, I often find that I have to work twice as hard or twice as long to get the same net effort out of my day,” he said.

    Organization, too, can be challenging. So instead of draining himself trying to wrangle essential accounting and project management tasks, Carrizales hired experts to support him in those areas.

    Another tool Carrizales uses to keep his business running smoothly? Credit cards. continue reading 


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